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Sixto Paz Wells claims to be a 'contactee' with a race of Mongolian looking humans originally from the Orion constellation who have established a large base on one of Jupitor's moon's Ganymede. He has had a number of contact experiences after he first established telepathic communications with the extraterrestrials in 1974. These were quickly followed by a number of UFO sightings and physical contact with the extraterrestrials in the desert area of Chilca, Peru. The sightings involved multiple witnesses and the physical contacts involved a number of individuals who were being prepared for more extensive human extraterrestrial interactions. Sixto's case was independently investigated by the Spanish journalist Juan José Benitez who was so impressed by the sightings and contacts that he wrote a number of books describing what was happening at Chilca, Peru. He has a website (in Spanish) at:

Sixto's contacts have led to the establishment of a large organization in Latin America, Mission Rahma, that studies the contact protocols established by Sixto. There are also a number of photographs that have been taken of the UFO sightings by Sixto and Mission Rahma located on their website at:

I have only recently begun to analyse the information released by Sixto and am so far impressed by the number of independent witnesses to the sightings and contacts, and plan to verify his claims with future interviews. My preliminary conclusion from my research so far of Sixto is that he is very credible and is very likely a genuine contactee with a 'friendly' extraterrestrial race. I therefore recommend taking the information he has to reveal very seriously. All those interested in galactic diplomacy and understanding a variety of extraterrestrial races interacting with humanity, will find Sixto's work to be very helpful.

To learn more about Sixto Paz Well's it's worth taking a look at some of his interviews. Here is a helpful 2004 interview with him:

Here is a 1991 interview with him:

The next place to go learn about Sixto is his own writing in terms of his book, The Invitation. This can be ordered online at:

Michael E. Salla, PhD
June 24, 2005



Copyright © 2004 - 2010 Dr Michael Salla & Angelika Whitecliff