Conversations with the Inner Earth Beings of Telos (telepathic)

Angelika Whitecliff, October 12, 2004

After being in deep meditation for awhile, I become aware of the Telosian energies and feel a strong connection with them. Then a doorway of light appears in my field of vision and with much interest I approach and open this door which leads down an illuminated tunnel system. Following the pathway I find myself shortly immerging from the tunnel and right at the steps of the city of Telos.

This city is remarkably beautiful with gleaming marble (or similar to marble) architecture comparable to that of the ancient Greek and Roman temples and public buildings, only more elegant while looming taller and grander in scale. Esthetically everything is soft of line visually; towering arched doorways, flowing courtyards and vast buildings, one leading into another connected by terraced stairs and pathways leading from great halls to open forums. Directly in front of me is a wide, impressive stairway leading up to open doors revealing a meeting room with 50 foot ceilings. There are no chairs, only men and women standing in small groups in conversation. I take it all in and without pause a winged being comes forward across this room and presents herself to me as Thea.

She immediately reminds me of the Greek statue 'Winged Victory', not only looking like this physically but also carrying this kind of triumphant and proud energy. I also wonder to myself if she represents an angelic race which inspired such sculptures in Greek and Roman art. Thea smiles with loving grace at me and presents herself as my guide. She then leads me into the city and the first place we stop at is a building called 'The Hall of Air'. Here I watch as people are meditating in the traditional eastern cross-legged pose but instead of sitting they are suspended in the air with nothing visibly assisting this process.

So I look around and perceive a spacious open hall with great and beautiful archways and arched ceilings. The only seating is in the very center of the room which is comprised of four square benches arranged in a diamond-shaped configuration. I am in awe as we walk directly through and down a gradual set of stairs leading into a 'Water Garden'. This is remarkable because they are using magnetic energy to sculpt water. Titanic in scope, it is built upon this great river which immerges from underground caverns right where the city of Telos sits. They use the water which is coming from underground and utilize these magnetic fields to form the water into artistically rendered shapes.

There is a large tree that reminds me of the one in the movie "What Dreams May Come" because the canopy of this tree spills out in all directions and is filled with colors that are incredibly rich and vital. Another water sculpture is of a 30 foot lion that looks sphinx-like in posture and there is also a oriental-style dragon chasing a mischievous looking purple rabbit. The more I look around the more I see and marvel at the technology which allows them to shine colored lights through these sculpted water forms to achieve detail so great that even the texture of the bark on the tree is discernable.

In other places there are geometric and free-flowing arrangements cut into the marble-like floor from which water is pushed out and contoured to create elaborate murals of graceful form. At this point another being, Adena, comes to join us. She tells me that she is a member of the High Council and that Thea is a liaison to this Council. Adena, like everyone else I have seen so far except for Thea looks human in appearance, and although she carries herself with great dignity and exudes mature wisdom, she only looks to be about 30 years old in physical appearance. In fact everyone that I see appears very youthful so far.

They now tell me that they would like to take me on a tour around the city itself, and so we step onto these personal vehicles which rise up into the air without noise or any noticeable output - they use invisible force fields to ascend and move. These vehicles are circular platforms which have a gleaming silver colored metal rising from the base and acting as a enclosure, somewhat like a chariot. This rail is in a very open, scroll work design and wraps half-way around the platform, then rises up in an elegant hour-glass shape. The top of the frame is thicker and acts as a rail to hold and lean against. Last there is a small rectangular box at the center of this top rail which displays many buttons and which control this vehicle.

Thea steps into one, and I step onto a larger oval version with Adena and we lift up and then begin to move slowly forward, down from the city steps and onto the countryside. They want to show me the layout of the land around Telos. And so they show me that to the west lies a great gorge with a waterfall plunging down so far that it reminds me of Angel Falls in Venezuela. Everything is incredibly lush and emerald green and this gorge goes on for miles and extends to encircle half the city to the west. Adena is telling me that the city is a very protected place and continues to show me the physical layout of the land here. To the east is a mighty mountain range, it rises up and encircles the other side of the city.

Behind Telos is a vast plain which was once a lake bed long ago. Now there is no water, only the footprint of the body of water that once existed here. And because of this flat plain between the gorge and mountain range, anyone approaching the city from this side would be visible for miles before they ever arrived at the city steps. Last, a mighty river rises up from underground in the heart of the city and flows out in the direction of the front of the city, running between the great western gorge and the eastern mountains. It was probably connected in earlier history to the dry lake bed, but now runs underground until it immerges in the city itself.

As we stand and admire the dramatic views and faces of the terrain, Thea walks off and pulls what looks to be an orange from a tree, only this fruit is as big as a grapefruit. I smell its citrus scent, peel away the rind and taste the flesh. It is definitely an orange but its flavor is five times richer and sweeter than the best organically grown orange I have tasted above ground. Finally I look at Adena and Thea and ask them why they are showing me all this, "Why?" Adena answers that the time of The Network of Voices has begun, and we want to work with you. We want our voice to be added to this network.

I am also strongly sense that many different beings of Earth are ready to come together and unite. We above are now ready to hear their voices and thus the time has arrived - this is all about the coming together of The Network of Gaia. The great voice of Gaia is asking us all to come together and participate. My Telosian guide said she was contacting me because I had begun a 'network' conversation and I took this to mean the recent contact I had with the Earth based reptilians who were offering an alliance and requesting to be hear by the humans. Then she adds, "We wish to be heard." "We wish to be part of the great network of voices." I told her that I was honored to be in this diplomatic role. She then presented an offer of friendship I told her that I very much accepted this offer of goodwill.

Adena tells me that we will have many more conversations and we will begin a dialogue for what is to happen next and what her people are going to present. I do not know if this will be an agreement for alliance, or if they are just stating their opinions, but she says this dialogue will continue. This meeting is meant to be our initial introduction so that she could let me know where her people stand, and for her to inform me that she is a member of the high council and that she would be my contact. Our conversation ended and both of my hosts took me back the way we came, back to the city and through the Water Garden.

Here I am shown a particular pathway where water is sculpted into individual flowers so as to comprise a bed of roses made out of water, and Adena picks one blossom out of the bed of roses and shows me that there is a gold cylinder at the bottom of the flower stem with a flattened lip around the upper edge. She presses the cylinder and the flower collapses into falling water as the magnetic field is deactivated and the lighting system turns off. I look in wonder as she then touches the cylinder back into the pathway of water and presses the device again. Instantly the flower forms as the field grips the water into its designed shape.

As we walk back through the Hall of Air I am told that this is a place of mastery for her people. This is not a place for beginners or for children, but a place that requires a certain requisite level of mastery over matter. There are no magnetic fields or any types of devices used by the people who are suspended in midair. They do this only through their disciplined minds, this level of achievement on the material plane. Then I am brought back to the stairs that lead to the tunnel of light that connects me back to my own plane of reality. Here I am told that I can always just ask and Thea or Adena will present themselves to be my guide here, and that I was welcome to come anytime, With this I enter the tunnel and come back home.

Evening of Oct. 12, 2004

Later that evening I lead a group ET contact meditation, and am very aware of the Telosian energies present as well as the Andromedan and Sirian. As I connect with the Andromedan and Sirian vibrations I feel such love and support that it brings tears to my physical eyes. I can feel how much they want us each to reach our highest spiritual potentials so that we can fully do the job on the planet that we each came to achieve. The ships are above and I desire to board the ships with my consciousness, but then I find instead that I am drawn to stay grounded where I am and a small group of Telosians appear as if from thin air. A very powerful male leads this group, he is obviously a great master judging by the awesomeness of his presence, and he tells me that his name is Adama. With him I see Adena to one side and two other beings who are not introduced. Adama steps forward and he is carrying a medallion of light attached to a ribbon. He comes directly in front of me and reaches up and places this medallion around my neck and I am amazed. I ask what this is and he tells me that this medallion symbolizes that I am now recognized as a part of the voice of Gaia. I feel a flood of gratitude for this gift.

I find myself then asking Adama what his opinion is on the earth based reptilian's proposal and he states that it is sincere. Half surprised and half relieved to hear this, I know I respect greatly this persons opinion and realize he has given us much more to consider now regarding this reptilian brief. Next I ask if they have any information for me which could further help me with my own spiritual growth and the work at hand. I can feel that they, like the Andromedans, Sirians and Arcturians support humanity to become spiritually empowered. Adena steps forward now and she tells me, "What you believe to be real is true."

At first my mind races and I think of a dozen things that could apply to this statement, and so I ask her if she could be more specific. She then repeats her words and I suddenly find my consciousness experiencing another plane in which I am a 6th dimensional Sirian being, and by my side is my beloved partner who I instantly recognize as my current beloved partner. As I watch and experience this part of myself at the same time, I feel this regal Sirian woman connecting with a dream Gaia is broadcasting from her third dimensional place in which she desires to expand into her own light body and rise up in consciousness to the higher planes.

I feel as this 6th dimensional Sirian falls in love with beautiful Gaia and her dream of liberation. She brings this call from the planet to her partners attention and he feels the integrity and sincerity of this dream and also falls in love. Together they decide that they will lend their aid and come into service to help Gaia live her dream. This Sirian couple have lived for a very long time and have enjoyed a long and prosperous service on their own world and so they feel that it is time to take on this challenge.

Together they will project aspects of themselves into this third dimensional reality and deal with the constrictions of matter and the forgetting process. No matter what happens they agree that they will find each other and remember themselves and their work - when the time was right. So united in love, they laid down to dream a dream of service in third dimensional reality, liberation and remembering the pathway home.

My consciousness returns to the Telosian encounter and I am deeply touched with emotion. I know I have been given another great gift and I cherish the memory of myself and my partner that they helped me to access. I can still feel the Andromedans and Sirians and their loving support and again I am filled with overwhelming love for them and for the people present in the ET contact meditation group. The energies now begin to fade and I thank Adama and the Telosians for this special visit, as well as my star friends above. Then my consciousness returns from this meditation back to my physical body and I feel overjoyed and so blessed to be doing this work.


I have been cleansing my anchor point crystals in sea water for the last two weeks and today I took them out and reset the grid around my meditation room with them. The effect is tangible and during today's meditation the energy is exceptionally clear and I find myself able to connect with my center in a profound and exceptionally tangible way. So from this clear place in meditation I decide that I want to have more information from the Telosians.

There is a doorway of light that they said I could always come to for accessing their city and so I find this place again. Traveling through the doorway I am brought to the steps of the city and I am no more than thinking the name of my guide when Thea shows up as if on cue. I ask her if she is of a separate race and she answers that she is from one of the angelic races that serves the planet and her specific job is to act as a liaison to the Telosian council and other groups on the planet, specifically humans are a main focus. She added that she can plug into the whole network and work with the whales, the delvic kingdoms or whomever - but basically she is assigned to the Telosians and because they want to work with us on the surface to form the Network of Voices, she is working with me, one of many, helping to facilitate this unfolding creation.

Thea further states that it is all in the divine plan (Trust an angelic being to say this so sweetly). There are no undue worries in pushing ahead at a measured pace but also no need to try to force things to happen and no reason to feel rushed or pushed. She said it is all in divine timing, it is all organized and to me directly she added that I too am aligning with divine timing. And so in relationship to the reptilian brief, I am informed that this will take some time right now. That offer planted a seed, other things are happening in other places and aligning, more will come of it as it is intended too.

So the next thing I ask her about is the Greys because I strongly feel that over the last days they have been very energetically intrusive, and she responded that this is very much their way. Elaborating further she stated that they look for any doorway in, any entrance at all and just infiltrate. They have no sense of respect or boundaries for the way others operate, the ways of our planet, they just ignore this because it is not their system. Whenever an opening presents itself they will infiltrate because they want to start communicating with me and I know too that they want to start putting forth their agenda. I emphasize to Thea that I do not want an interaction with them in this way, I do not want them to force entry into my space in any way, not physically or mentally. If they want a communication I decide that they need to go to a whale guide so that this cetacean can contact me and we will have a mutually agreed upon location that we will meet at - just like another meeting I had with them which was arranged in this way of offering a neutral meeting place and a formal invitation.

Thea answers that love is the key, you have to use love to hold the space for yourself. And she said you have to remember your own strength and you have the ability to say no at anytime. It is up to you to find that strength within to draw those lines, to set the limits and boundaries. To say no, you cannot cross here any farther. We each must decide the way we want things to unfold and to make that decision so strongly inside that it is the only access point. She said to be careful and to be aware that it is just not their way to meet us on our terms. They do it their way. It was almost a semi-warning she gave, they don't play by our rules, they have proven this through their actions, that they have no qualms about being invasive and intruding uninvited.

We then go on to an extensive conversation about some personal topics that I will not include here, but in the end the Network of Voices for Gaia came up one last time. My angelic guide spoke of the vision of the planet becoming united and that many are waiting in the wings. The time is here, it has arrived and others will step forward as the pattern makes room for them. Many groups will present themselves as they should and this will continue to happen as harmony is achieved.