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The Role of the Dolphins in Extraterrestrial Affairs

Angelika Whiteclife, December 7, 2004

There are a wide variety of ET races currently visiting the Earth and many are benevolent, respectful of our freedoms and our right of choice, while there are a few more predatory ET species who do not hold the same values as we do regarding what we prize as primary rights. On another tangent, quantum physics is now finding scientific proof to support what many ancient traditions have taught for thousands of years, that we create our own reality via our thoughts, minds and imagination. These two topics solidly impact each other in the new field of Galactic Diplomacy because we are now faced with a choice of how we, humanity, will create and thus live out our collectively chosen scenario of extraterrestrial interaction and involvement on our planet. What was once a trickle of activity is now a flowing river and growing, so the inevitable time has come to decide if that river will flood us out of our homes or nourish our growing seeds of galactic awareness and expanding consciousness in a way which empowers us and takes us to our star neighbors for a mutually beneficial exchange.

Because of the vast body of information about negative ET's from Grey abductions to historical documentation about overlord races such as the Annunaki, to whistleblower accounts of the government's involvement with notoriously aggressive reptilian races, there is enough compelling material to create great concern over our future with the ET presence. And yet our choices for interaction with the more numerous benevolent ET races offering education and support of our spiritual growth and evolvement far surpasses the negative groups. Thus, we are offered a very tangible choice of who we want to focus our attention upon and who we chose to create friendships, alliances and agreements with for future goals and cooperation. For many this choice may appear so simple, and yet it has been complicated by secret government agendas and the military's appetite for new weapon technologies. So how can an awakening humanity remedy past ills and poor decisions in order to promote a bright future with the galactic friends of our choosing instead of those forced upon us through secret manipulations or threat?

This is where the dolphins and cetaceans play an exemplary and definitive role in shaping the future of extraterrestrial affairs on this planet. Inspiring work done by those in the field of inter-species communications such as Joan Ocean report that dolphins are not only telepathic and empathic beings, but multi-dimensional travelers who have seeded themselves upon this world and are able to transverse between this reality and that of the 5th dimension. Practiced intuitive people are able to verify this information by clairvoyantly, telepathically or empathetically tuning into the energetic frequency of the dolphins and experience cohesive glimpses of this other reality - one without time and spatial limitations as we understand them, and one of 'pod consciousness' in which there is a oneness of being that connects all dolphin minds together in a synchronized fusion. Many other benevolent ET races occupy this same 5th dimensional plane of reality and are currently in communication with many humans around the globe both physically and telepathically. Consequently this becomes one of the many ways that our cetacean friends are teaching us how to expand our scope beyond the limitations of three dimensional reality. They are teaching us to reach beyond the boundaries of our five senses and the closed world model that makes our imaginations atrophy.

Cetaceans, specifically dolphins, represent a vibration and way of living which is of pure loving joy and harmony. They have highly evolved sound capabilities that allows them to interact with the ocean's great memory banks of the planet, accessing and storing information at will. Dolphins ignite our wonder when we hear of people being healed of all manner of ills just by swimming in their company, and when we hear of incidents - as one reported recently in New Zealand - of a group of people who were saved by dolphins when threatened by a great white shark. They interact with humans because they not only recognize us as the stewards of the planet, we are the masters of matter and the material plane (one need only look to our legacy of structure and forms on this planet), and they too want us to have the opportunity to prove and redeem ourselves. To do this job of stewardship with maturity and wisdom, respectful of all species, Eco-systems and life-forms on the planet. Like many of our star brothers and sisters, they want to see us shine and will support us through their own example, through education and friendship which will bolster our own goal to bring technological applications and their long term effects and spiritual wisdom into a cohesive balance. To swim with the dolphins in the wild introduces one in the most profound way to the higher loving frequency of these beings and consequently opens the door wide to interactions with other benevolent ET beings who also possess similar energetic signatures with qualities of harmonious, respectful, life-affirming and balancing ways which promote finer achievements and dreams of the future.

To look into the intelligent eye of a dolphin is to look into the spirit of another sentient being who is equal but completely different in physical appearance. This opens up the subconscious and unconscious gateways in the human mind to establish a safe and positive foundation from which to proceed with further ET contacts. It sets an example for how loving and respectful contact can be and gives individuals the experience to expect and accept nothing less in contact. There are many places around the globe where dolphin pods are choosing to establish contact with humans in an ongoing and developing relationship. The Big Island of Hawaii is a location for this interchange and the benefits are vast. Each year countless peoples lives are transformed by the simple interaction of swimming with the dolphins. Why do people come away from this experience and often change jobs, relationships or other important aspects of their lives to a more positive and nourishing place? Because the dolphins offer a field of unconditional love that touches the soul of individuals and they are reminded that life can not only be joyous and loving, but that the oceans and the other life forms on this world are important and need to be recognized and preserved.

Essentially, the dolphins touch us with their unified 'pod consciousness' and inspire us to touch into the pod consciousness of the planet and hear its needs. People walk away and care more about themselves, the planet and other people. This is a core foundation for us to next reach out to the stars to the many visitors and to establish balanced relationships. It will be an immeasurable challenge for humanity to form peaceful and respectful relationships with off world beings when we have still not created these types of associations with those species who live on our own world. Change needs to happen first here amongst ourselves, and the dolphins are our teachers in this area, shining a light for all to see who will look at what beautiful co-created visions we can manifest once we learn to work together in a harmonious and liberated manner.

As mentioned earlier, dolphins communicate with us using telepathy and empathy. These are two intuitive skills that all humans involved with diplomatic work must master to some degree and diligently hone with practice. Because the majority of races visiting us here are highly evolved on many levels, not just technologically, most utilize telepathy to interact with humans, and many humans who are contactees are chosen because of their ability to at least receive telepathic (and empathic) communications. From another perspecitve, if we are able to strongly 'feel' another being and trust our own information, we can become quite adept at identifying those beings whom we can build strong and loving relationships and those who would manipulate us for their own ends. The more proficient an individual becomes with her/his own intuitive gifts, the more resources she/he has to draw upon when dealing with delicate, nuanced or challenging issues relating to diplomatic initiatives and affaires. Because the dolphins are very intuitively advanced, being in their energy fields (swimming with them) stimulates one's own sometimes hidden or undeveloped talents in these areas of clairvoyance, telepathy, clairsentience and empathy. Also, the dolphins work with those humans who are open to assistance and will use their sonar like a laser in surgery to unlock blockages which may lie within your emotion, mental, physical and etheric light bodies. They truly are here to help and guide us a part of our journey to personal empowerment.

Many ET's visiting our world operate within a similar framework to pod mind. Unlike most of us, they are no longer separate from each other as their minds are all linked. Therefore, for an individual operating in group consciousness, it would be unthinkable for that being to make an agreement or take an action which would be harmful to the group or not hold the highest interest of the group as the priority. There have been several accounts by contactees who have reported that some ET's were originally confused by our functioning in complete separation from each other. It was hard for them to understand that if they contacted one individual, that individual could not speak with a connection to all the people, and thus make agreements that all would honor. Here the dolphins, in exposing us to 'pod mind' or group consciousness, stabilize and amplify our own inner connection and attunement to the other species on our planet and help us to be better listeners to Gaia's harmonizing voice. Thus we become better representatives of not only humanity, but of our whole planet speaking as one united voice, the voice of Gaia.

This is why those people who are inspired and recognize their own current and future role in galactic diplomacy can act with a strong sense of purpose and vision, and they can wield power via track-two diplomatic initiatives in a way which can even outweigh the authority of those 'appointed' to diplomatic positions. All this and more is the legacy of the dolphins and cetaceans who support our individual and collective blossoming of consciousness. By opening our hearts and by being in their loving field of energy, the dolphins guide us and inspire us to be more loving in our day to day lives. This increases our energy and our vision to create a world that honors the uniqueness of the individual while respecting the freedom of all species upon this planet to be given the opportunity for a good life free of pollution, free of inhuman treatment and scientific experimentation, free of poverty, mind-control and secretive agendas, free of self-serving manipulations for wealth and power.

Reaching to the stars is our destiny. Establishing right and respectful relations with ET visitors is the opportunity at hand, but in order to fully actualize this type of a harmonious foundation we must simultaneously transform our own world and change those relationships which are out of balance. When we stop experimenting upon animals and denying that they have feelings, then we will stop experiencing abductions by those ET's who to believe that this is an acceptable practice in the name of their science. This is the great universal law of correspondence: 'as above so below; as below, so above'. Until we make right our relationships at home, our relationships with visitors cannot be brought into balance from an unstable foundation. No one can build a structure of truth upon a foundation of denial and lies, there is no stability and longevity. But to address both fronts together will allow us to make real a new reality that will truly be a new golden age for the planet, one of peace and beauty and integrity.

It is no coincidence that the militaries testing of low frequency active sonar technology has threatened not only the lives of the cetacean nation, but all marine mammals. We have quite a load of work to accomplish and yet we have the talent and the vision of an awakening humanity who understands the importance of the health and welfare of all the planet. By uniting our goals with our dolphin friends and attuning ourselves to hear the voice of Gaia, we display to our star visitors a united face worthy of friendship and long term interactions which will benefit all. At Galactic Diplomacy we support and encourage the respectful interaction with our cetacean brethren and put to work their guidance and wisdom. They are one group of teachers who are performing an invaluable service in assisting us to educate future ambassadors and diplomats who will play vital roles in future extraterrestrial affairs on this world.




Copyright © 2004 - 2010 Dr Michael Salla & Angelika Whitecliff