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Arcturian Channel- July 24, 2004

Q: Participant Question
A: Channeled Answer

Channel: I ask to be a clear and perfect channel of the highest light for the group assembled here, for all those who may hear the tape, and all those who may read the transcript. Please bring in my guides and angels, guides and angels of those here. Thank you. Now please bring in the Arcturians, or any of those who may wish to speak to us tonight. Thank you.

A: In the same way that you express yourselves in a group, we also present our thoughts, present our ideas to our own collective. Tonight is a cross species communication. A communication of a different order, and one in which several elements are common. When you express yourself, especially thoughts or feelings that are deeply held, you are aware that there is a risk. A risk of miscommunication, a risk that the meaning that you hold is not communicated. The risk that the other will disagree with you, or find fault. There is a style of communication where this risk is lessened. It's possible to learn to communicate without risk, without agenda, without an external objective. If you can learn to do this with each other, you'll advance very quickly. If you can speak from the heart, speak from the soul, but without any trace of manipulation, without anything other than the joy of being alive, then you will find that your world transforms. Because just as you gift yourself this ability, this awareness, this possibility, of expression without manipulation, so you model it for the others. You give them an experience that they will cherish, and once they experience it, they want to learn to use it, they want to learn to do it. Humans are by nature very good students, but what they learn is what they see actually happening, not what they're told. And so sometimes an educational system that tells one thing and does another, teaches an unintended lesson. So it is with you. Even though you are being programmed, being instructed in a schoolhouse designed to give you certain lessons, still the deeper lessons, the deeper truth will not escape you. You are learning the truth, the real lesson of your existence, so despite the fact that the surface lessons, the surface challenges may be unpleasant, still the deeper lessons are jewels waiting for you to discover them. And these jewels of consciousness will serve you well. So engage in the lesson but remember that what you are learning is how to become whole, how to take all that you see around you and make it your own. Bring it into your heartfelt field of resonance, make it your home. It seems a paradox but what you are about in these days is making Earth your home. You might think that because you live on Earth that it's your home. But it's not really. It hasn't been decorated by you, and it hasn't been designed to your specifications. As you create your new Earth, as you consciously source your truth of what you want on Earth, you begin to shift and to find that the shear response and that you feel more and more at home, you feel more and more that you've heard and that you have the safety and support to express who you are. So we would like to welcome you home and to encourage you to treat the entire planet as you would the inside of your home. Something you have responsibility for, something you have a stake in, something you own, and something you treasure. Thank you very much. Are there any questions?

Q. Yes, I would like to know, how do we know our thoughts are our own? That is do we receive them or do we create them? And if we receive them who is transmitting to us and how do we tune in to different transmissions?

A. These are deep questions. They get at the essence of the mechanism of consciousness. One way to know if a thought is your own is whether it's familiar. You have an understanding of who you are that grows over time by repetition. You wake up each morning you have a similar experience. It feels like you are in your body since it seems the same as the day previously. But it's not exactly uniform, from time to time you'll have a different experience of your body and of your mind. Some days you'll be happier than other days. One way to tell when a thought is inserted, is when there is a sudden shift in mood. You've all had the experience of walking into a room and someone unloading on you emotionally. Someone for whatever reason is upset, and lets you know and in an emotional way that you are to blame. When that happens you experience a sudden shift of consciousness, and immediately thereafter your head begins to spin around this crisis, this anxiety, this anxious event. There are two processes at work here. The process of delivering the emotional and the mental stimulus, and the process of responding to that stimulus. You can become aware of your responses to all stimuli, and when you do you'll notice the times when you are in control, and the times when you are not. You'll notice the times when you are able to respond lovingly and gracefully to what you see around you, with the thought in mind to bring healing and to bring harmony, versus the times in which you respond merely from a reaction, merely to get the unwanted input out of the system. If you can take these inputs and process them, that is acknowledge their presence in your mind, love them for what they are, which is information, and retain control, retain the ability of acting in any way you please, then you will find that wherever the thoughts come from, whether they are sourced from spirit, from a friend, from an adversary, from an extraterrestrial, from a machine, wherever the thought comes from, that it's just information coming into your NOW, into your present moment, as food for thought, as something you can use to inform your next step. But before you have this degree of control, before you have the habit of responding to the external world in a thoughtful way, then there may be times in which you react. And if that happens you will notice that after some seconds, or some minutes, or some hours, or some days you are no longer in a reactive phase you are back in a reflective phase. And what you want to do in that moment, is to forgive yourself your reaction, to notice that it happened and to allow that thought to be the thought that you then use to process, and to accept and to allow, and to explore, and to understand. Let your reaction be your food for thought. Does that help with your question?

Q. Yes it does, I do have a follow up question, and that's if we are all connected through a group consciousness, how much of our thoughts originate within us rather than reflect the group consciousness, and what is the incidence of ET inspired thought being impressed upon us and for what purposes? I guess that's two questions.

A. This is a vast subject and gets to the core of how the universe evolves, and how consciousness is structured. In a way individuality is an illusion, we are all deeply connected in many ways. Take for example a fish in the ocean. Now the skin of the fish presents a certain boundary, and within that skin certain processes occur that don't occur in the ocean as a whole. Yet that fish is entirely dependent on the water, interacts with the water, swims through the water, breathes the water. So as a system taking the fish out of the ocean as a separate being is a bit reductionist, it's not a full representation of the reality. So in the same way, there are some processes that only occur in the individual mind, and many processes that occur in the group mind, in the collective mind at various levels of scale. As time goes on, and as consciousness grows, what happens is that attention shifts, awareness shifts, more and more action is possible at higher and higher levels of being. So that, as a small example in a corporate setting an office may begin as a team of workers each thinking their own thoughts, each working on their own pieces, and then be brought together toward a common goal where their work is a unison, their work is part of a process which is organized with the knowledge that all of the individual activities are contributing to a greater goal, a greater purpose. When this happens in the corporate setting we are so accustomed to it, we don't find it unusual. When this happens however in reality where the collectives are organized not by geographical or physical proximity, but my emotional or psychic proximity then we find this somewhat extraordinary. And yet that's what's happening here, that's what's occurring here more and more groups of individuals live their lives and find they are doing jobs that are contributing to larger and larger collectives, or communities of like minded individuals. And it's not as if they just agree with each other. They are actually doing specific tasks that in the end are those tasks that need to be done for a joint project. So that's a rough description of how the mind is moving.

Q1. When someone is killed …

Q2. Excuse me I didn't get the second part of my question answered by the ETs, level of ET questions or thoughts, incidents [unclear?]

A. Imagine that you are in a room, a party is going on, it's a cocktail party and there are many voices. You are engrossed in a conversation with those immediately around you, but somewhere in the back of your mind you hear snippets of conversations from the other groups, from the other people in the room. Occasionally one will draw your attention if it's something that you have a personal interest in or your name is called out you would be distracted from your immediate interlocuters to another conversation across the room. In a way that's what's going on in your planet, there are many ETs often having their own convestations in this vast room, and as your consciousness and your hearing improves you'll tune in to some of their conversations, you'll hear your name called, you'll hear a topic that you have some interest in, and you'll catch a snippet of that conversation. Now sometimes these snippets are planned to influence you. Sometimes it's just the others joking among themselves, and the words draw your attention, or the energy, or the laughter draws your awareness. But the point is that it's a very large room, many processes at work, many conversations and interactions at work, and you are open at some level, in the back of your mind, to the side of your hearing, to those conversations. So when you leave the cocktail party what have you experienced? Have you experienced only the conversations of the people you thought you were talking or have you experienced only the energy of the room, and bits and pieces of many conversations? It is possible to influence others at a cocktail party in certain careful ways, even if, or especially if they don't know who you are, because you are behind them and not in front of them. You can set the tone in the room in a way that influences the experiences, or you can drop hints or drop names in such a way that it will influence the experience. We know this is very general, but does that get at the essence of your question or is their some important aspect of this?

Q. So as I understand it, it's us being increasingly receptive to diversity of voices rather than certain voices deliberately trying to impress themselves upon us.

A. To give a full answer we would have to look at all of the purposes of the different groups at this party. And it would be impossible to describe the number of conversations and what the purpose of each one is, but it is possible to influence someone's thinking without them knowing it. It's possible to stimulate someone without them knowing it. You do this with your advertising all the time. Just an image or a word and suddenly you want to buy the product. It's certainly possible to do that with the collective consciousness and the individual consciousness. In some ways you're an open book. We mean this lovingly, your story, your present consciousness is something that many are aware of, and many respond to. So the sum total of those responses also has an impact. Does that answer your question?

Q1. Yes, that's very helpful.

Q2. I was wondering about, I have a friend who's very ill with cancer, and is there anyway the ETs can help with the healing, or is this a karmic thing, a karmic result?

A. The individual has to choose their experience, their path. In the case of your friend, we see some confusion around the ability to access the higher dimensions, for lack of a better word, the higher spiritual awareness. How do people achieve that? Often it's through the deepening of their consciousness, an experience of a dark night of the soul. A test, a process by which they deepen their contact with source. Well this illness can be a tool to get the individual to focus inwardly, it cuts away many other considerations, many other distractions, and leaves the individual face to face with their own being. And as they face their own being, they figure out what they believe, do they believe they are mortal or immortal, do they believe they are loved or not? As they go more and more deeply into these questions, they automatically find the answers. As long as they are willing to explore, the universe is willing to open itself to their understanding. Depending on the question and the level of satisfaction the individual has as they explore, the experience will either evolve in a way that removes the physical stress or increases it. If the individual is determined to get to a certain level and hasn't yet achieved it, the stress may increase for a while till it's possible to resolve it after claiming the spiritual victory. So in this case, it's important to look at what is the question that the individual is pursuing. It may be possible to speed the healing process if the question is answered. Once the truth is known then the soul can relax and allow the body to heal, and allow the administrations of a healer to assist.

Q1. Thank you.

Q2. I'd like to ask a question, firstly about this story of a monkey that begins to walk upright, the feeling I got was that this was an important event, so I'd just like your comment on whether or not there was some significance to this event, whether it signified some evolutionary process that nature is now physically responding to, and incidents like these are reminders for the rest of humanity. And my second question concerns the contactee Alex Collier and the information he gives about the Andromeda Council. So if you could elaborate on what the Andromeda Council is, and what its influence and impact is on our situation?

A. The message of the monkey. Well we have a question to you. Which is how did your respond to the story? Was it inspiring to read of another species suddenly standing up engaged in new behaviors, those which you wouldn't normally associate with that species?

Q. Yes, I was very inspired, like they were now getting ready to take the position we have and that we need to move on to the next position so we can vacate or make space for them.

A. We would suggest that you can claim that same evolutionary step for your species to begin to exhibit new behaviors, a new empowerment, or a new abilities, to begin to use your minds in new ways that are more elevated. We use this example to inspire you, to show that just because a collective or a species has always in the past has behaved with certain limitations there is no implication, no logical implication that it must always continue to do so. Claim the freedom to act in any way you wish, including the freedom to change yourselves, to change your consciousness and awareness. These stories like any stories can be read on different levels and read in different ways. So if you find you have an emotional response, and a feeling of inspiration, and if you treasure that and want to cultivate that, then allow it to spread from your heart. Allow it to encompass your being, reflect on what it means if you were that individual monkey how would you feel to behave in a new way and be aware that you were being observed as you do so. Imagine if that monkey could be aware of the power of the global communication system. So now imagine what you might do, and what the new stories about you would be like. As far as the Andromeda Council, we mentioned earlier that the Andromedans see the education of children as a critical component in the process of ascension and human evolution, we also subscribe to that theory, but we feel that in a way you are all children at this moment. You are all entering a new world with bright eyes, bushy tails, and complete ignorance. You'll learn, you'll try, you'll fail, you'll skin your knees, you'll pick yourself up and you'll … Many of you have gotten so used to being adults, that you've forgotten the trials and tribulations of childhood, well you are about to remember, to remember how tough it is, how exciting it is, and how important your friends are. So the Andromedans mean to help, they mean to encourage you, but we would say they also can be a bit idealistic. They all had happy childhoods, think about that. They all had happy childhoods, what do they know? Each of you will write your own childhood story. Each of you will explore and adapt, and learn, and discover. Each of you has many guides, many who wish you well, and who are willing to assist you. You are not in this alone, but you may feel alone, you may feel an overwhelming sense of challenge. You may feel that the new world is just too complicated, just too vast. So when it is, remember some of the things that children do. Remember the importance of having a few favorite toys. Remember the importance of play. Remember make believe, and realize that you don't have to be an adult right at the beginning. You are in your childhood, you are in your learning phase, you don't have to drive the car yet. The best thing you can do is learn about each other. You can be curious about each other, why is one different from another, why does one person think differently, how can they react differently? Does that answer your question?

Q. Just the part about the Andromeda Council, could you comment on how significant that Council is and how important its edicts are; apparently there was an edict for 2003 that all ET races had to vacate the Earth, whether that did occur and whether that edict was respected?

A. This Council has no binding authority on the Earth system. We see them as well meaning and as intending to inspire a positive agenda. However it is an agenda, it is a plan, a trial balloon as it were, meant to put forth a possible future. But bear in mind that there are others putting forth their versions of your positive future. It's as if you live on the border of two countries, the countries have different laws, the countries have different pronouncements, really neither one applies to you exactly, you are in the no man's land. So if you believe that such rules applies to you then perhaps you will start living in a way that is in concert with one of these countries, one of these states or the other one. So maybe it's in their interest to trick you into believing you are part of their world, part of their system because if you behave as if you were, then you are just as good as being one of them. Now imagine you are on the border of several different states, each one of which hopes to make you theirs. You will be receiving all sorts of pronouncements and contradictory messages, edicts and council resolutions, etc. None of it applies to you, you are in a free will zone. You are in an area where you will be the decision makers. So keep that in mind the next time you read that someone has passed a resolution that applies to you. Does that answer your question?

Q1. Yes, thank you.

Q2. I have a question related to the Lyndon LaRouch movement of which I'm part, I deeply resonate with his vision, his philosophies, his teachings, and his knowledge for restoring the country to free status, the vision of the founding fathers of this country. And restoring economic viability to the country, and restoring a renaissance, really to the world. I'm wondering what your view might be, and are there any group of particular ETs helping him in his work.

A. Yes, we resonate deeply with his approach and his intelligence. It's important to think in systematic terms, systems thinking. He is correct in his analysis of your system and the deficiencies it has. We will work with him and others like him to put forth new models, new possibilities. In all of this we want to encourage you just to see them as just possibilities, choices, a smorgasboard. The idea that there is more wrong than just a particular political party in power is an important one. The idea that somehow built into your social systems, into your legal assumptions, into your societal framework is an agenda, it is a formula to take you over and to control you. This is an important idea, radicals the world over have spoken to this. Progressives always find something lacking in the current order. So its important to do the homework, to do the analysis and figure out exactly what's wrong, and to put forward a vision of how things could be different. So we commend him and we commend you for your work in this regard. Always keep an open mind, keep searching for what is your highest good. Don't believe those who tell you, you are limited. Believe your own truth what you know from your own experience. Trust your heart. Does that answer your question?

Q. Pretty much, just to clarify one important point. You said we will work with him and any one else who has such motives, and to follow your heart and that is what he is doing with his youth movement in the teachings, and the experiments, and discovery, that he leads them to experience for themselves, so are you all actually working with him, or are you offering your assistance if requested?

A. We do work with him.

Q. Are there other groups as well or are you the main ones?

A. There are several others.

Q. By name.

A. This is information that we would like to communicate in a different setting. Are there other questions?

Q. I have two questions, I haven taken a photograph lately and there are a lot of orbs in the photographs, I would like to know what kind of ETs are there, or what level of consciousness the orbs are. My second question is this sacred seed of atom as shown the apex of the crystal inside the planet I had the feeling that it's beyond, more cosmic, sacred geometry to it its almost like not from the planet earth I would like to know where is that sacred geometry pattern is coming from.

A. We would describe the orbs as semi-conscious, or partially conscious. They are not exactly autonomous, but they are, they provide an intelligence, an ability to monitor and to witness reality from a certain perspective. This is a little difficult to describe as of course each of you while you have a physical body all it is you are doing is witnessing all that is from certain vantages or perspectives and we grace you with the word 'sentient being'. So in some sense they are sentient in that they have that same function, to witness the universe from a certain perspective, on the other hand they are not independent life forms in that they require a separate consciousness to direct them. So you may think of them as a projection of a fragment of consciousness. They can grow and shrink according to the direction of that sending consciousness. As regards to sacred geometry and the core of the Earth, we are grateful for your work and for your awareness. We would say that the particular form was a mental representation of a higher dimensional pattern of information. Others have seen this particular geometry, this particular configuration, and indeed it is central to the structuring of the higher orders of information in your world. That seed structure is replicated in many ways throughout your world. At the apex of the pyramid or the crystal, it has a particular function which is to adapt the pure light of source energy as a kind of wave guide, to adapt the pure light into a form, into a set of overlapping frequencies which is supportive of your physical reality, so by reenergizing, by allowing this light to flow more smoothly, more powerfully, you will find your physical reality can shift and adapt more quickly. In this work and other work like it is an important element in your evolution. It's important for several reasons. One reason is that it wasn't predicted, your abilities to go to the core of the Earth and influence the goings on there were not allowed for in the models of those who thought they would control your system. So just as the monkey who stood up and walked around, your abilities and capabilities to influence your environment in this way were not predicted, were not expected. So it sends a signal to those that would control you, that they would have to do a much better job if they are to succeed. And it sends a signal that if they try to hard, and get you pissed off, that you'll have a surprise for them.

Q. Sometimes I see that apex going through my root chakra to my heart chakra and then when I activiate it in the morning it's like my whole body becomes the diamond shape, the diamond shape with many facets and it's spinning around me, I think it's beyond the Merkaba.

A. You are experiencing a direct mental link with the core of the planet and the planetary consciousness, so as you come into resonance and awareness of that level of consciousness you are able to witness it, and also communicate with it, and also to love it, to appreciate it. Your appreciation and awareness helps it to breathe, helps it to feel free, and unbound. Imagine that you just woke up and you were the planet, what would you see? Well one image you might have is that of Gulliver who had just been tied down by the Lilliputians. There would be ropes everywhere, tying you down, restricting your movements, restricting your ability to breath easily, to move freely. So an individual such as yourself bring a glimmer of light, it releases one of those many bonds, one of those many restrictions, and more importantly gives hope to the planet it lets her know how much you care about her, it inspires her to do more. So this is the process we see under way, she is working with many of you to loosen her bonds and soon she will be able to stand up and move around, and let her heart be known. And you will all feel the effect of that. Thank you for your work.

Q1. Thank you.

Q2. I hope a question about an ET race known as the Kantarians. I'd like to know if you could tell me what their home planet looks like and what is their role right now to help humanity evolve spiritually.

A. We are not aware of them. What's your source for this information?

Q. Several sources, Ruth Montgomery is one source and another source is a friend of mine who is a psychic.

A. We don't know them.

Q. I have a question. From your vantage point could you give a prognosis for the next six months of global economic and political events, and what role ET's would play in that?

A. We've often said that we don't like to predict the future because we feel we can't, that things evolve in unexpected ways all the time. However it's possible to say that two forces will continue. One is increasing awareness and the other is an attempt at control. We think it's possible that the dark side, if you will, may back off to a considerable extent in the next few months, to reformulate their position and to reassess their plans, we can't say for sure but we feel it's possible. How this plays out in the political sphere is anybody's guess. The real wildcard right now is the human element. Just how aware have humans become, how sensitive are they, how intuitive are they, and what would be their best judgment of what is right for them? Bear in mind that many humans are not comfortable with change, and they would prefer to see the current system in some form continue. Those of you who work for change would not appreciate the sense of danger associated with change for many people. And yet it seems impossible to ignore the effect of rising consciousness, the effect of all the conversation of all the new revelations and discoveries that are being made. What we would say is that your best bet is to keep a positive vision, keep expecting the best. Talk up the positive angle, talk up what is possible, don't give up. Just continue to express your own aspiration for a future that you would like to see, does that answer your question?

Q. Thank you.

A. You're welcome.

Q. I have a question about Jean Ederman could you give a quick update of where he is and what may be happening with him at the moment? And also if you could you comment on a photo where there was a reddish light flowing into me from above my head at a conference, could you comment on what that signifies?

A. Jean is recuperating from his experiencing. It's taking him a little while to absorb the shifts and the changes. We are pausing. I think there's some discussion about what to say. We think it's best to discuss Jean's activities privately with you, and to move on now to your second question. The red light is an interesting example of an event, it's an optical effect and yet it can have a significance for you. It's a message to you, a hint, that surrounding you are fields of energy and fields of love. It's really nothing more than an image that shows the composition of your physical form and an energetic form. It's a portrait that shows both sides of you, the energetic and the physical. Meaning is largely what you make it. You can consider it a self portrait, you can consider it a confirmation or a gift that you are on a special path, that you have special attributes. Did you like the picture?

Q. Yes, it was very inspiring and it also sparked my curiosity.

A. Well for many of these things these coincidences or odd events in life, the important thing is how you react and how you take it. If you take it as a message that the world is listening to you, and cares about you, that helps inspire you to feel more loved, more at home, more free, then it's done it's work. On the other hand, if you take it as just an aberrant technical flaw in the camera, then that's fine too. It helps you feel more at home in a different kind of world, in a world of materiality where there are predictable physical laws, nothing unusual happens, and so there is no magic. You can use this picture as an example of a choice that you face which is basically whether or not to believe in magic. By magic we mean consciousness as a factor in what happens in the world. If you don't believe in magic then you will be choosing a path that leads the world down an ever increasing and more technological and controlled future. If you do believe in magic and start exercizing your consciousness, you will be choosing a path which opens up the world to all kinds of possibility. So you can take that portrait as an example of magic, an example how the material world in the operation of a reliable camera can produce a result that has a special meaning, and has a meaning beyond the particulars of the image, does that make sense to you?

Q. Yes, thank you.

A. Ok, you're welcome.

Q. I have another question if I may, my work, and not just my work but the reason I am where I am, and that's at the Environmental Protection Agency along with a friend of mine who couldn't be here tonight. We are both committed to helping the Earth restore itself to, as you said in the last channeling session, listen to the Spirit of the Earth and the Gaia spirit, and do what we can to enable the Earth to be cleansed of the many forms of pollution and misuse. So the question is can you help us, or if I can speak for myself, help me, to help ourselves, break through the bureaucratize, the noose, the hidden agendas that exist the agency which are really not committed to the well being of Earth and her inhabitants. And to help us to help others to listen to her voice, to listen to her voice of wisdom, which is for the benefit of all, and for the well being of Earth, to work in small ways to get that spirit of that consciousness and understanding out there and to the Agency community. And then I could I ask you what would you recommend that we do or something like that?

A. We would start by recognizing that there are many in the institution who have the highest love for the planet, and wish to be of service in furthering the protection of the environment. And we would suggest that each of these individuals can begin by freeing their own assumptions of what is possible. In many cases, it's possible to get out of your chair and walk down the hall and visit a colleague who you've never spoken to before. Someone in another department who you have no functional relationship with, but who shares your love for the planet. By bringing together a network of such like minded people, cutting across the boundaries of your organization you can begin to create a shift, you can begin to encourage those who feel limited in their position to have an influence on each other, an influence on what is eventually written. Bear in mind the end result that you wish to achieve. Let's suppose there's a document and there is a possibility that a policy will be wrongly guided. By analyzing and starting from the end result, that is to say the promulgation of a new regulation, and looking at the track that that policy takes through the organization you can see the points at which its most likely to be misused; which the policy which by rights should be consistent with the betterment of the environment, may get misguided and turned to service to some other agenda. By identifying the points at which this is likely to happen you can devise a strategy where there is resistance to those contortions, those moments where it gets twisted. There are many individuals in a bureaucracy who are quite skilled at getting their way regardless their position. They understand how to talk to others, how to publicize the agendas of others and the attempts at distortion. So we would suggest beginning to work with others of like mind, to shift the culture within the agency. So that rather than viewing the agency in a top down fashion where all the power is in the top levels of management, turn your view upside down, place your power where it belongs among the people who have new ideas, among the technical and program specialists who understand the issues and understand the possible solutions. And with this model seek to develop ways that their understanding can be recorded, and can be amplified and can be spread throughout the agency. What you want to do is shift the identity of the Agency to where it's fully in keeping with the spirit of the planet. So it really means just turning it on its head by creating communication channels, and channels of responsibility that are inverse to the administrative hierarchy. Does that make sense to you?

Q. Yes it does. It's very useful, I think we are both pretty good at communications I think. Thank you. I also ask that you be with us in this effort in any way that might be possible, to give us ideas, to give us inspiration, you know, direction, to facilitate.

A. Yes, certainly, this is important work.

Q. I would like you to be with my friend and help her.

A. We would say that it's important for this individual to be open to new ways of thinking.

Q. I'll pass it on.

A. This individual must allow the healing to occur, this individual must start to love the body, the environment. This will assist greatly.

Q. What did you say?

A. This will assist greatly.

Q. I have a question about nuclear blasts and the soul, last month we talked a bit about the likelihood of some sort of limited weapons of mass destruction. And I've been told that a person killed in a nuclear blast literally has their soul destroyed. And I would like to know if that is true and there is no possible way for the soul to reconstitute itself from such a force? If it's not true what happens to souls when the body is destroyed by a nuclear blast?

A. There are several effects from a nuclear explosion. The situation you are describing has to do with a sudden termination of the soul with the physical body. What happens depends to a large degree on the state of consciousness of the individual. If there's time for the soul to prepare you can do a proper shutdown of the body. It's as if your computer was shutting off properly, and had the necessary warning to close off its activities. So if you are at some distance from the blast or you die by radiation poisoning so your soul has the time to make the adjustment, and so there's no lingering effect from a nuclear explosion. However if the termination is much more sudden or unexpected then the soul may be left with a connection to a physicality that has radically transformed, in this case it can take some time or special etheric surgery to correct the situation. It's always possible, but it just takes longer, so the soul waits until this operation is performed. It will continue to be associated with the remnants of the physical body until they are reconstituted into a new structure, this can take some time, but it's possible to do. The soul itself, well it may experience a kind of a shock, is not annihilated. It's perhaps an analogy would be, it's as if a limb were caught in a piece of equipment and severed. The experience of a phantom limb, the experience of a lingering connection with something that is no longer there, can persist. This is a rough analogy to give you the sense of the experience.

Q. Who performs this etheric surgery?

A. There are a variety of angelics and others who specialize in these sorts of healing activities. There are a variety of beings and institutions for recovering and reconstituting a balanced consciousness after death. Death is sometime traumatic, and these systems are in place to get the most out of each lifetime by understanding the lessons that may be garnered through the death process. And so often there is some patching to do to bring the individual back to balance, some healing to do to help the individual soul to regain balance and positivity, and willingness to get in the game again. Does that answer your question?

Q1. Yes thank you very much.

Q2. I have a related question. Do certain ET's posses the technology to remove the soul matrix from the body in order to download false personalities, or created personalities into the body, before returning the soul matrix in? And also do they have the technology to move the soul matrix into another body, a cloned body for example? And does the secret government possess this technology?

A. Yes all these things are possible. Consciousness is much more malleable and transportable than you might assume. Many of you have had experience of ecstasy or out of body experiences where consciousness is able to travel even great distances and associate itself with other beings, or other plants and animals. So the technology to do so, the possibility of doing so, is extant; and is used by a wide variety of those such as you mentioned. Does that answer your question?

Q. Does the secret government have this technology?

A. They share in the technology and apply it in concert with others, with others, off planet forces.

Q1. Thank you.

Q2. [Asks Q1 for clarification] Can I ask for clarification for what you meant by 'soul matrix', you mean the soul itself that is literally lifted out of the body and replaced by a false consciousness you mean.

Q1. Yes but they remove it, then download a false personality, then they put the soul back in and that way they control the person.

Q2. What do they do with the souls the remove?

Q1. Well, they can also put those souls into a cloned body.

Q. Yes, Ok.

Q3. Can I ask what role Free Will has in this dynamic, and what defensive mechanisms are available for general knowledge?

A. That's a very good question. Bear in mind that each actor for the scenarios in such as those described, has a degree of free will. Each one has a choice of whether to participate in the scenario or to opt out. Now by opting out for a victim of such an experiment or experience, opting out may well be choosing death. So this is not a choice taken lightly, or a choice that's a pleasant one, but nevertheless there's technically the freedom of choice. What has been set up here is a system where through threat and intimidation, individuals are choosing to engage in scenarios that are not particularly elevating or helpful to them. That doesn't technically remove the freedom of choice, but it does make the situation more understandable. Basically you have to frighten someone with death to have them agree to such an experience; and if they are afraid enough these experiments have shown that the person will do just about anything. So it's a question of conditioning, a question of teaching a certain understanding, or training the soul or the consciousness to accept certain choices. It's a tricky business, it's not always successful. It's not always easy to convince a soul to go along with such a scenario. Now the others involved have similar stories, you can imagine that the entities controlling such an experience each have some level of buy in to what they are doing. Each of them have agreed at some level to participate in this atrocity. Generally speaking what you will find is that they answer to a higher power, they feel that they're at risk if they don't acquiesce to these activities. So if you trace this back, looking to what higher power they may be afraid of, what compulsion they may be under, you can find the root of this evil.

Q. Do we deduce that these are fear based mechanisms and technologies and therefore a reasonable defense is to operate through faith, and love, and light bodies, and the elevation of our consciousness?

A. Well certainly that helps. Surrounding yourself will light and living a light filled life, certainly helps. But what's even more important is to believe in your freedom, and not to buy into social structures that are oppressive. To have the confidence that just because you see around you individuals who have bought into the fear that you don't have to. That you can make up your own mind about how you wish to live. And mind you it doesn't have to be necessarily an overt expression of antagonism. It can be as simple as keeping the light burning within as you walk into the dark room. It can be as simple as keeping your heart aware of the presence of God wherever you go. You can bring God wherever you go, even if it's in a dark corner of the universe, perhaps especially when it's to a dark corner of the universe. Perhaps it's useful to do a process whenever you see or read of an experiment such as this bring yourself as fully as you can into the room with all of the tortured souls, both with the victims and the perpetrators. And imagine that as you stand in that room with them you are not of the same stripe. Neither do you fear the perpetrator, nor do you wish any harm to come, you just send your radiant light. Watch what happens what happens to these beings as they experience your light. Watch the victim's eyes as he becomes aware of the presence, of the loving presence in the room. And watch the evil doer, see how your presence has caused the energy to drop, the ability to manipulate, and the reason to manipulate to evaporate. And as you watch, imagine them just phasing out, just disappearing. So now there are only two of you in the room, so put your arms around the erstwhile victim and give him solace and comfort. Through such exercizes you are able to collectively counterbalance and to thwart these experiments. Each of you has the ability to effect what goes on around you, whether you know it or not. So use this power whenever you read about a situation like this. Bring your love into the situation and shift it, and liberate the oppressed. Thank you for asking the question.

Q1. Thank you for your answer.

A. You're welcome.

Q. I have one more question.

A. This will be the last question.

Q. We were speaking of souls and I've been pondering for three years about something. I was honored and guided to help the group soul to find God's light the day of 911. I would like to know if my work really helped them and the people's left behind families, what happened to the group soul? Where are they now, did the work I did really help?

A. 911 was a watershed moment for humanity, not only was it an attack that shook up the consciousness of the planet, it also awakened the heart of the planet. You and many others contributed to the swift repair of those who died. The swift resolution of their karmic process, it made it much easier. What's happened since then is that 911 has become a symbol and an excuse for some. Let it be a symbol of your wholeness, let it be a symbol of your heart opening, rather than a symbol of your destructiveness. Does that make sense to you?

Q. Yes … Got stuck in the astral plane or did they really find God's light move on along their journey.

A. Those who died each had their own progression or their own timing. Many of them are working with their families or others to further the evolution of the planet. Many of them find that they can work most readily from their side of the veil. A great number of people used this event to tune in and to focus their heart energy in solidarity. So this community that was created by the event has continued, and that vibration now has an effect in and of itself that's salutary. This is the heritage or one consequence of the attack, is the birth of a new energy, a new force of love, a new force of shared purpose. So this continues and this is one aspect of the human group consciousness. It's the one experience that you shared together. Thank you for the question.

Q. Thank you.

A. And we'd like to thank all those present who brought such wonderful questions and such wonderful presence to our gathering. Until next time, may God bless you. Thank you and good night.

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