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Arcturian Channel - July 25, 2004

Q: Participant Question
A: Channeled Answer

Channel: I ask to be a clear and perfect channel of the highest light for this group, for the planet. Please bring in my guides and angels, the guides and angels of all those here, the group oversoul, and many of the higher beings who wish to assist us. Thank you.

A. We are gathered here together to concentrate this ground, this earth, this planet. We wish her the best. We wish her to grow and expand and develop for the greatest good of all, and we mean all. All beings, all dimensions, all times, all space. This is the beginning of the great union, the great interlocking of the worlds, of the dimensions, it's the great homecoming, the reunion. To reunite you must have originally been unified, and then separated, and then desired to come back together. You are the representatives of this reunion. You are the examples in consciousness of the varied threads of the tapestry, and by coming here together tonight, you bring your awareness and you place it in service to the others, and to the joint project. As you do this you change, you open and you develop new capabilities from your new experience. Never again will you think of yourself as alone or separate because you will have an experience of a larger community, You will have the experience of being an integral part of a larger community, and by an integral part we don't mean an egg in a collection of a dozen eggs. We mean rather an organ in body. Each of you has a separate function, a separate identity, and yet you participate in a larger system. And as you shift your awareness your sense of identity to this larger system, you see the service that you bring and it changes you. No longer are you willing to be satisfied with life with a small 'l' from now on you are dedicated to all life everywhere. So this is a sacred moment, an initiation, the homecoming torch is ignited, and is carried from place to place, planet to planet, from being to being, but with one goal in mind, one destination. And just as the Olympic Flame travels the world, and with all of the participants and all of the energy, and all of the hopes of humanity, ignites a great flame, so too all of you are links in this great chain participate in bringing the hopes of all the worlds together to ignite a sacred flame. Each of you is in a way a spiritual athlete, you've won your medal, you've won your races, you've had your individual achievements, and so now you have the honor of participating in a ceremony. Think for a moment about what this means, this ceremony is not the contest, it's not the competition, it's the recognition of the ideals behind the competition, it's the communication with the others, the representation of the highest spirit of the event, and so too you are the means that spirit has to communicate with the material. You are the link so to speak, between the spiritual and the material, and in this function, and in this way of being, you are privileged to balance the two worlds. You can see with spiritual eyes, you can feel with material feet. Sometimes when you become so involved in the physical world that you forget your true nature you may feel that you've gone astray, you may feel lost, you may feel separate or confused. All of this is just an illusion, you are playing a role, you have a function, you have a purpose. And now if you can set aside your sense of the past, your sense of your history, if you can wipe the slate clean and use your experience to imagine a new order, a new world. A world after the traveler, after the wanderer returns home. Imagine the look on the face of your beloved. Imagine how your heart leaps to see the familiar pastures. Feel the relief flooding your being. See the joy in nature at your return. Are you ready? Is there anything you still desire to do on your journey? If there is take a moment to do it now, take a moment to set your intent that it be accomplished quickly and easily. And now breathe, relax, come back into your body, open your eyes, look around. This is stage one. The first step. Thank you.

[Reconvened later in car after meeting]
A. I ask to be a clear and perfect channel for the highest light, for all those in the car, for all those who may hear the tape or read the transcript. Thank you. Please bring in my guides and angels, the guides and angels of all those present. Please bring in the Arcturians, or others who may wish to answer our questions.

Q. The question is we were in discussion about why you didn't show physically and my thought in response to that was why should they? What would good be accomplished by them showing up physically, there would have to be a purpose to that, you're here to help us raise our frequency to a higher level, how would your appearing physically engender that or would that be just you lowering yourselves to our levels and then what, what good would be accomplished by that?

A. Your observations are correct in the sense that we evaluate our actions on the basis of perceive good we do want to take steps for the higher good, and indeed the gathering tonight was one that we did participated in but mainly at an energetic level. We felt that this was the correct approach for your current stage. You are learning a new way of coming together, of new way of cooperating. You are beginning to exercise your abilities to link together energetically, and to perceive yourselves in a larger energetic group, this was the most important thing for you to achieve tonight. Our appearance would have distracted you, would have excited you, and bought you evidence of our reality. But in truth, the more opportunity was to use your time to stretch your minds, to stretch your mental muscles, to stretch your hearts and your minds to become comfortable in the new world, and to create that new world in your circles. Every opportunity that you have to come together in these circles, to grow together, and to nurture the new energy of love and harmony it's important that you take the opportunity. We are very pleased from the results this evening. From our perspective, you were a bright light in our sky. In a way just as you look for our appearances, our lights in your sky, we also pay attention to the lights which blink on from the ground. We see the energy of joining forces, the energy of the mix of the different species, the different energetics coming together and creating a new light, those are exciting sightings for us. One of you said that several there had a contact experience, and that's true just as it was true for us. We had our contact experience. Another aspect of the evening was the presence of the insects and the animals. This was also important for you to get in touch with the awareness of different species that are native to the planet, to tune in to the vibration of the birds and the other animals. That helps you feel your common heritage, your common planetary energetics. So as we've mentioned as you go forward that heritage will be an important badge, an important shield for you. So by being in nature, by working with animals, by working with plants, you increase your appreciation of your awareness, of your mother, of your home.

Q. I have a question. I've been seeing UFO eyes in my mind for the last five, six, eight years, and I always see these eyes about 10 inches from my face but I don't see the whole face. I'd like to know if these entities are coming from Arcturus or another planet, and should I get more in contact with these eyes.

A. Yes, these are usually Arcturian faces that you are seeing. Next time it happens, look into the eyes. As you look into their eyes you'll notice that what you experience is more than a glance it's a frequency of energy, a complex energy spectrum. So as you gaze into the light that you see, notice the information that you receive. Notice the feelings, notice resonance, notice the intelligence that you sense there.

Q. They are big black eyes!

A. Go into the person behind the eyes, get a sense of who they are.

Q. Why don't I see the whole body just the eyes?

A. This is a representation of a higher dimensional being it's not always appropriate to create a full form, a full representation in form, the more direct communication is energetic. But since you are sensitive to energies you can directly access the higher energies.

Q. Are these the same, I had a feeling that they were the Arcturians, and so why do they light up my lights at 3:30 in the morning regularly? Are they there for me to have a conversation with them, what communication should we have together, are they there to teach me something?

A. These are your guides they are working with you at night and certain sequences require you to be alert or awake, so you are brought out of sleep with this signal. It has to do with how you are able to absorb information during the sleep state. So from time to time you will be brought into waking consciousness to become more aware.

Q. So I should have a conversation with them when I see the light.

A. It's possible but not necessary. What may be useful for you is to get a sense of how you are feeling in the moment. Tune in to you own energies, see what it's like to be you in that moment, appreciate your environment, appreciate your connections, if you need to do something you'll be given the information at the time. But mainly it's a question of integrating your subconscious and your conscious mind bringing the two to a common place.

Q. Are they there for me, to teach me something?

A. It's a signal for you to combine your intelligence of the subconscious with your conscious intelligence. A stimulus.

Q. The overt signal I've been receiving sometimes I hear like a telephone ringing then I jump out of sleep at 4 or 5 O'clock in the morning and there is no telephone ringing, and it happens several times where I get totally startled where I think the ringing is in my heard and it is so loud that I just jump out of bed.

A. Yes, this is a signal to get you to come into waking consciousness.

Q. Well that's a little bit abrupt!

A. You may want to ask them to turn down the volume.

Q. So they want me to wake up and have a conversation with them?

A. They want you to wake up immediately and connect your conscious awareness with your dream state and your unconscious awareness. So they bring you quickly out of one state and plunge you into another.

Q. Yes from deep dream to fully awake, and what's the purpose of that?

A. To integrate your conscious awareness with your subconscious awareness.

Q. And how do I do that? Just by having that expectation?

A. When you first become conscious try to remember what you were doing previously. Work your way back in time until you can recall your experience. You can ask for their assistance also in this process.

Q1. So there is really no telephone ringing, I really hear that in my head! Yes, that's what I thought. Thank you.

Q2. I would like to know what your thoughts are on whether I should quit the job I have now and move out to Leesburg where I can be a full time activist?

A. This is not really for us to say, it's a judgment for you that's appropriate for you to make for yourself. There's a balance here. You can do good work in a variety of organizations. We would say that your work with your current employer is not quite finished and you have additional light work to do in that organization. So we feel that an immediate move may be premature, but really it's up to you to make that judgment to know when you feel complete and ready to move to the next venue.

Q. Yes, it doesn't feel like it yet.

A. Yes, are there other questions?

Q. Yes, I'd like to ask a few, firstly the experience I had tonight of being in one of the ships, projecting myself into that. Is there anything you can say about what I experienced in terms of the beings, what ship that was, what race that was? And the experience I had about other ships connecting in a light pattern, and it was just a very beautiful energetic connection involving a very large number of ships. Could you comment?

A. Yes we recognize your vibration. This was a Sirian ship, part of a calculated experiment if you will, a test, of a new technology for harmonizing the frequencies among disparate craft. The test went well, and we were honored to have you witness it, sense it energetically. The little group on the ground was a symbol for what we were doing around the planet. A symbol of coming together in harmony without manipulation, without ego, with a sense of curiosity and expectation, and deep gratitude. This is a wonderful example, and wonderful timing. So while the Sirians were engaged in their test, we had a nice symbol of that occurring synchronistically occurring on the ground with your energetic work. Thank you for bringing together these individuals. It means a lot to us that humanity is beginning to build their circles, their communities of like minded individuals.

Q. I'd like to ask a follow up question which is as far as those ET's that are monitoring the planet and hovering in the Earth's vicinity at any one time that as I have an aspiration for humanity to make a connection with the ET's, and that the ET's are unified … [change of tape] … flow between the ET's and us.

A. The work that you do is part of a whole system. It's not exactly that you are instigating a wider activity on your own. But you are linked into something larger than yourself, so from your perspective your actions may be seen to create effects in the wider world and the wider universe. It's not quite that simple. It's more that as you tune in and become part of a larger hyper-dimensional group, you'll find that your activities synchronize with other activities within that group, and move towards a common purpose with other elements in that group. They create effects in alignment with the group's intent. So that you are already working with several others in different dimensions, and different places. And so it's no wonder that you find your activities, synchronizing and intertwining with those others. Does that answer your question?

Q. Yes, thank you.

Q2. I have a question. Someone in the group mentioned that I should go more into being an artist and writing and painting, if I put my mind more on painting, will I be channeling some work from the Arcturians to do some kind of cosmic painting? Because I don't know how to paint because if I channel it will be easier.

A. When you paint, you'll be giving your personal expression to your perceptions, it wouldn't be purely Arcturian, or purely anything. It would be your unique perceptions and a lot of the value would be because of that. So you may ask to receive training, or receive input, or receive ideas, from the Arcturians or anyone else.

Q. Do I need to take painting classes or will they come to me through my hands?

A. You can begin simply with simple materials, and start to exercise that hand and that mind. But you may find that to please yourself you would like to receive some technical training in the Arts. You can take courses, learn from experienced teachers the lessons of technique, and the application of different media. But the ideas behind the Art, or the visions that inspire the Art are something that you personally will bring to it, they will provide the purpose for the Art.

Q. Will they guide my hand if I don't take classes, to make some beautiful Art?

A. This has already occurred, you've found that with a simple motion of the candle your hand is guided to create imagery which you find meaningful. So in the same way your ability to perceive with depth of a drawing will remain and will intensify. But you may find that as you exercise your artistic vision, that you are dissatisfied with your technical abilities and wish to improve them. And just as you might take language classes to learn a language, you can take classes in technique to become more proficient.

Q. Should I go more with water color or oil painting, or what?

A. We would suggest drawing initially. Drawing actually a composition, partially drawn and partially with water colors.

Q. Will my painting become pretty known because I will be unusual?

A. It could be used for illustration on a website, or a publication oriented toward spiritual effects for those who wish to achieve spiritual effects from viewing the Art. Principally, these designs, these geometries, this imagery would be to communicate truths of a higher dimensional nature. It's almost as if it's a lesson plan or a set of mandalas that through a programmed sequence elevate the mind to inform the student of what to expect.

Q. I've been bringing that to help people to awaken again. Thank you very much I appreciate it.

A. You're welcome.

Q. I was wondering if the gratitude exercize we did helped you as much as it helped me and I think others in the group.

A. It's very useful to us to know what you are grateful for. We constantly monitor your state, but it's when you articulate your awareness, that we receive the most information about how you are doing. We have a detailed technical understanding of your condition but somehow when you sum it up for us, when you let us know what is most present and most meaningful to you, it brings it into focus for us, it allows us to understand you better, to understand the results of the Earth experiment better. So we are very grateful and very appreciative of all your attempts to articulate what is heartfelt for you. We also find that the gratitude exercise elevates the human spirit, and prepares it for becoming a gracious host for stepping into its role, its future role. Does that answer your question?

Q. Thank you.

A. You are welcome.
Q1. I feel that way to.

Q2. Yes, I am very grateful for XXX for channeling and opening your heart. Thank you for being such wonderful person, who is patient with all our questions. Thank you for all our angels and ETs for being with us.

A. It's been our pleasure. Good night and God bless you all.

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