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Arcturian Channel - August 11, 2004

Q: Participant Question
A: Channeled Answer

Channel: I ask to be a clear and perfect channel of the highest light for all those present, for the people of Hawaii, for the people of the world. Please bring in my guides and angels, guides and angels of those present. Thank you.

A: In the beginning there was the one light, the light of source. It was a magnificiant light full of spirit, it was spirit. [This is Hugh. What I'm seeing is some geometric forms. For those of you that can see this, it's got a blue light suffusing the background and then some, pyramidal structures nested within each other, and a kind of soft light from this center, kind of radiating out]. At the beginning there was life, radiant life. Radiation has a life. It has a structure. It has an awareness. You come from this time, you can remember this time, this time of oneness, when you were all together before. As you look around the world today it doesn't seem so perfect. No perfect geometries, no perfect solutions, no pristine awareness, yet each of you can remember this light, this perfection, you have it within you, you carry it within you. Each breath brings you closer to God, each breath. You may feel that step in your heart, each heart beat reminding you that you draw closer to full awareness. And now I would like you to get real quiet, to listen. What do you hear? In silence, in the void you are free to speak your inner voice. To gift your love, your truth. Do that now. We see these voices rippling out, combining, coalescing, interfering, constructing, all these voices, all these energies, create structures, bubbles of geometric form. This is how the worlds come to be. From the void, there is a thought. There is love. When that love merges with many, many others, there is a form. The image or picture of that vibration. We participate in all of these that act on you inwardly. All of these forms that you sense inwardly are true, are part of you, and you are part of them. Think about what this means for the next steps of your life, what will you say is true? You will coauthor these many worlds. How would you wish them to be? These are trying times, dynamic times. Some say, times to test the spirit. We say times of the spirit. The times when spirit comes to Earth, and like a new flower in the garden, a new plant, just beginning to show and to express its beauty, the new Earth is born and grows from that place, from that place where spirit comes to Earth. Hawaii and this place is such a starting point, this is the birth moment, the sacred moment, and all of you have given your love to its creation and its nurturance. We thank you very much. Are there any questions?

Q. What would you like to say about the new children that are coming in?

A. The new children are divine as all children are, but they are also special. The indigo children are special in several ways, they are intelligent, they are sensitive, they are aware, they are no nonsense creatures. If you present them with nonsense, you receive a blank stare, there's no resonance, no traction with them. They are here to shift the systems, to show you how you might live. To remind you that you can be a different kind of child. An older and wiser child, but with that same freedom of expression, freedom of action, and freedom of awarenes. The Crystal childrne are a different breed, they come here to show you the next evolutionary step. They show you how it is to live in the Crystal energy, how you might be. In some sense they are delicate, as a precious crystal is considered delicate, but the fragility of crystal is an illusion. When crystal shatters, it becomes more of itself. Each piece that's born has aspects of the whole, has the beauty of the whole, and every fragment of crystal reflects the other fragments. You too were once crystal children, you once had a unity of consciousness, and now like a crystal that's been shattered, you have many facets. You have many colors and inner planes reflecting different experiences, this makes you seem complex. This makes you seem complicated, but you are not. You are in essence one substance, one divine substance, and all of the pain, all of the wounds just serve to make you more beautful. Maybe not yourself, but to the others around you who receive the blessings of your teachings, and your wisdom, your mirroring, you are divine indeed, a precious gift. Thank you for the question. Are there other questions?

Q. Would you say something about the effect on the physical body of our raising of our vibrational frequencies, and also the effects of what is being said that as we raise our frequencies and we move into powerful work, that perhaps dark forces, you know, try to keep us from the work. Thank you.

A. This is a complex question. Each of you has a choice as you raise your vibration, which will happen naturallly, you have choices. Do you resist the flow, do you go with the flow? Do you embrace the other? Do you close off? Do you accept less than you know is your due, or do you demand justice and equality. Do you demand respect? The path you take is your choice, but the goal is always the same. Those which seek to manipulate you on any level, have their own path, and their own teachings that they intend to receive. You have a choice of whether to be the teacher, whether to be the student, in these relationships. Does that answer your question?

Q1. Yes.

Q2. My guides are telling us that in the next six months there will be many opportunities for growth and doors that will be presented. Can you elaborate on what will be significant for the next six months.

A. For who? For the planet as a whole, for you personally, for your community.

Q. For all of us.

A. It's difficult to summarize a complex systems shift. But that is what we see is happening. More and more the conditions are in place for a systemic shift. It's actually hard to imagine how this could happen. Where systems, your cultural norms, your laws, your habits, your understandings evolved and conditioned and constructed in such a way as to imprison you. Now this prison was an area that also taught you, it was a school yard if you will, and so in a way it served you. But the prison walls and bars are coming down. And you will enter a new world, a new school, one with unaccustomed freedoms. This six month period is only the beginning of this, but increasingly members of your species are finding their voice, they are standing up for themselves, they are linking to each other and they are beginning to realize the truth. Six months is really just the beginning of this process, what we have today is an initiation, a ceremonial cornerstone, a ceremonial beginning, that sets the tone for the coming period. And so as we know great forces come into alignment with this, there must be a shift. But again as we know from the inside of the prison it always looks hopeless. You who are gathered here today know that it's not hopeless, because you've had contact, you've had experience, you've had the awareness, but in the coming months we ask you to use that lovingly with those around you. Help them to prepare for the shift. Encourage them to be in joy, to be relaxed. Thank you for the question. Are there other questions.

Q. What's the significance of the current level of solar flares, what's happening with sun sun and what's the impact on the Earth?

A. The solar flares work on many levels, informational as well as physical. While there are many physical effects from this activity, in some sense the most significnat effects are informational. All of the information required for a new alignment on the inner planes, a new structure. What comes from the sun is feedback, corrective feedback for a system which is out of balance. This information streams through many conduits, coalesces, creates forms, events and opportunities. These in turn make possible a new awareness, new beliefs, new understandings. So the Sun acts as part of a feedback loop for the intelligence of the Earth and her beings. It's your connection to the larger system, to the galaxy, and it lets you know what you are doing. An analogy would be the world you see around you. The universe you see around you lets you know as an individual how you are doing. Your family, your community gives you feedback on how you are doing. What they think of you, the reactions to your behavior. So the sun is that voice on the telephone, your mothers voice, when you tell her what you have been up to, a feedback loop. Are there other questions?

Q. In what specific ways are the Arcturians interacting with us, us on Earth all of us?

A. We serve generally to assist the ascension process. We work to create opportunities for you. Choices to enlarge your sphere of action. One specific project involves the establishment of portals, places on Earth that have mutually chosen to interact with those of space. The human element coming together on the ground and requesting the establishment of a communication structure. We will assist you to do this, to establish communications with many other races, we feel this is appropriate in this time, the more you know about who's out here and who's in there, the better off you will be. Another project concerns historical perspectives, many have received information about ancient traditions, ancient understandings, we feel that's important for you to understand where you came from, and how it is you came to be what you are today. So we assist in the recovery of such memories. We work on the subtle levels. We work with sensitives, and with those open to the highest good for all. Generally what we have in mind is creating some new patterns, some new ways of being, some new ways of living, but all of these must be by your choice, not because we think it's a good idea. But we'll make suggestions and if they resonate with you, then just take the opportunity to make them your own. As you do this, be aware that you are bringing your personal and planetary vibration to our suggestions. At best we can make a sketch, you must paint the painting, you must draw it out all the way to the third dimension. Vivid colors, action and dynamic. In this way it's true to you so all we really do is give you hints and watch you grow. Does that answer your question?

Q. Yes, very well thank you.

A. Are there other questions?

Q. What do you have to say about three D contact, about actual appearing, touching, physical contact, where are you at with that?

A. It's too soon to tell. It always seems to be that way. Plans are drawn up and then torn up. Expectations are set and then changed. In some respects this is a natural process, in some respects this is an extraordinary process, we've never managed one quite like you before. In some ways you've come very far, but it's also true you had a long way to go. What we can say is that there are many here who very much wish you the best, and we will try in every way we know to assure your future. A future that's free, self-generated, true to your heart, and true to your planetary consciousness. In the next little while, we'll still be working in small ways to build a foundation, we say small ways because they are not particularly overt. They are in small groups such as this one. But they set the template, they set the pattern for the future, so in some sense these beginnings are the big steps, what follows is simply bringing the rest into alignment. So the energies, the vibration that you create in these settings will have an enormous impact because it is a vibration that all can recognize as helpful, healing and holy. Physical contact occurs from time to time and place to place. As yet there is no schedule, no fixed date for a mass landing or some such. The interactions will continue what's important is how you respond. Regardless of the level of interaction, what's happening now is you have the opportunity to show your true colors. In a way you are being tested, you are being evaluated. Who are you most like? Whose children are you? The answer to this question will determine your future. What we wish is that at the highest aspirations, the highest achievements are those that are used to evaluate humanity. So we will be stressing those aspects. We'll be promoting and enhancing and amplifying those aspects of the human nature that most exemplify their true nature, their true beauty. In this way we work on your behalf out here. It's like marketing a product, on a label you show a pretty picture. What's inside may not be so pretty but at least it's an idea that's true to the essence. We feel that's the best we can do on your behalf in the end when someone buys this product and tries it when they interact with you, they will have their own experience and you will have your own opportunity to be who you are. Iss that helpful to you.

Q. Yes, and what do you get from it?

A. We wish to live in a place, in a galaxy and in a universe that's interesting, dynamic, and open, evolving, that's light and love filled. We see that you can contribute to this. We see you have a unique planet here with many precious perspectives to offer, We see a role for you simply, a role that ultimately wil make you, we feel, a good partner with us, a partner in consciousness. We'd like someone to talk to, someone to share with and exchange ideas, exchange experiences. You've come from the shool of hard knocks, we value that, we value your streetsmarts, we value your cuts and bruises. We see them for what they are, which is courage, the willingness to risk. So as with any new child in the family, each of the siblings and the parents have an expectation, they have a hope of what that child could become. And for many of them hope that child can mirror some aspect of themselves. We've said before, we were once as you are. We'd like you to grow up. Thank you for the question.

Q. Please tell us about the creators and the significance and purpose of crop circles?

A. Who do you mean by creators?

Q. The source, is one group of ETs, or is it a phenomenon that's shared?

A. There are several types of crop circles. As you probably know, some are hoaxed done by humans. And some are hoaxed in a different way, done by extraterrestrials, but meant as disinformation. Others are what you might call the real thing. Sirians typically do this, some Pleiadians, and several other groups. The significance is to get you out of your materialistic three dimensional mind. To open your mind and your heart to new possibilities. It's the same impact that an object from an advanced civilization might have when it's placed in a stone age context. There is a movie, the Gods must be Crazy. In this movie a coke bottle falls into a Stone Age context. The Southern bushman in Southern Africa and they find various stories about this alien object. It gets them to examine their ways, it gets them to think about how they live. And it gets them to make a decision about whether they want it with them or not. In the same way the crop circles create discussion, some of them, most of them are quite lovely, and they speak at an esthetic level. When they have geometries, they speak on a mathematical level. But all of them take you out of your own story, and into a wider story, into the larger world. They start introducing to you the alphabet, they introduce to you the energies, the methods, the awareness that exists outside your small sphere. These are gifts to you, all of them, even the ones that are hoaxed can help you become more discerning. The ones that are misinfomrmation and disinformation, can help you understand those vibrations of those present. And then the ones meant for your upliftment and benefit are worthy of study at several levels. So it's the imprint, the initial contact in information terms, it's the first hint of what you will be receiving as your world births into the galactic family. Are there other questions?

Q. What are some of the practical things we can do to prepare ourselves to join with the other galactic beings?

A. The most important thing you can do is to use your life to grow in love and understanding. Of course, that's more difficult than it sounds. In some sense, it's automatic. As you get older you get wiser. But in other ways you have many choices, you have many opportunities to step forward bravely or to retreat with caution. Every day you have choices. And if you start taking choices to expand your awareness, to expand your love for yourself, you will find that you are assisting the planetary mind, not just yourself, not just your family or your community, you are directly assisting the planetary global mind. So this self examination, this willingness to love yourself, to always come from love, to understand the many ways that love can act, this is the simplest and most direct benefical thing you can do. Are there other questions?

Q. Yes, I have heard that in the Sirius star system that there is a difference between the races that inhabit Sirius A as opposed from Sirius B. That those from Sirius B are more of a controlling vibration and that they are in alignment with some groups from Orion, could you comment on what groups from Orion they might be in alignment with and whether that's accurate that they are in a more of controlling nature as opposed to those from Sirius A who are more loving.

A. This is a political question. The politics is actually quite complex and it adjusts more quickly than what you may expect. On your planet you know that over the course of history that there have been many alliances, many changes in allegience, the same thing happens but on a different scale, and in a different way. The planetary consciousness will align with ideas, with archetypal thought forms which then play themselves out in the societies extant. What's happening is that the archetypes themselves are shifting in a subtle way. So within the cultures you mention their understanding of who they are is shifting. What appears now to be many different antagonistic facets, also appears to be resolving to a different structure. The puzzle pieces are changing shape, and many are expecting that finally they'll fit together. The star systems you mentioned are part of that process, but it would be misleading to describe them and their relationship as one of alliance. We might call it a cautious acquaintanceship, not completely trusting but an awarenesss of each other, and an awareness that has the possibility of expanding into a more, into a closer working arrangement. The word alliance can have several meanings. Often it's used in the political sense to give an impression of something that is larger than is really the case. Of something that is more unified than is really the truth. Think of an alliance between two of your countires, what does it mean really? The countries may still speak different languages, different ways, different reactions to events. The alliance is only conditional, it only means something in the event of an attack, for example, so if an attack never comes what does it mean? Yet, the word alliance can be used to give a sense of grandeur, to give a sense of importance to the combination. Does that answer your question?

Q. Yes, thank you.

A. You're welcome. Are there other questions?

Q. What is your civilization like?

A. We are quite dispersed at the moment. We operate in different spheres if you well. Several parallel realities. If we had to sum it up we would say we are opportunists we like to take opportunies and create possibilities, from the possibilities nurture probabilities. We are creative, we like to see new forms come into being. We are always surprised to see forms that have never been imagined before, and we like to create the conditions where this is possible. Our civilization is one that respects the individual, the individual perspective. Again, this is more difficult than it seems, because to respect all individcual perspectives, you must have a framework that's wide enough to encompass a huge variety of action and personal truth. Nevertheless, this is what we do. We do this for a reason. We see that it's in harmony with our larger goals of evolution, that all these perspectives actually do serve the whole. They come together in a magnificient tapestry, every thread with a purpose, every thread a part of the picture. You might think of us as weavers, specializing in adding the little touches that make the tapestry unique, special. We are also story tellers we love to hear stories and to tell stories. And again, it's the new stories that we most cherish, patterns and thoughts that haven't been conceived of before, ways of being that are unique, solutions that are unprecedented. We cherish and delight in these, that's one reason that we won't tell you what to think, we'll give you some hints and ask you what you think, you never know what a human will say, and we like that about you. We'll take two more questions.

Q. Are you non-human? And are there are other races that are non-human that are competing for the attention of the human race?

A. Ah yes, there are many that compete for the attention and the love of the human race. The human race on this planet was seeded by more than two dozen galactic races. The Arcturians did provide some of the soul energetics in this process, because of this you have many parents, many who would like to call you their children, many that would like you to look upon them for guidance and wisdom, and for rules of behavior. We have just described just now what we are like and how we might like to see you behave, and there are many others like us with a similar aspiration. Does that answer your question?

Q. To a degree, is there competition amongst each other as well, in other words, is there political agenda that goes on at a galactic scale?

A. It's difficult to summarize all the relationships, some of it is cooperative, and some of it is competitive. There is definitely competition for your attention, some of it is regulated, and some of it is not regulated. But bear in mind there has also been influence throughout your recent evolution, that at least the last five thousand years, have been very much inflenced by ideas sourced from other worlds. And these ideas compete for your allegience. What is evolved is a complex system, one of which each of you has a heritage, a history, a unique understanding. We might say that each of you can decide which ideas, which parentage is closest to your heart, closest to your future, what you wish for your future. Does that answer your question?

Q. Yes, thank you.

A. You're welcome.

Q. I have a couple of grandchildren, one of my grandchildren came to me when she was in utero with my daughter and she asked, she told me she was Arcturian and said she needed me to know who she was because it was somewhat difficult to come into a body, being Arcturian. Could you explain a little more about that.

A. We normally don't incarnate on three dimensional worlds, most of our time is spent manipulating etheric structures, working on the more subtle levels. So agreeing to the conditions of materiality takes a little getting used to for us. Obviously, materiality in three dimensional form has its joys, there is nothing like the taste of an ice-cream cone to a child. But we also have a higher purpose, an intention when we incarnate. We have a purpose for being at a particular place at a particular time. And as we grow we remember our purpose more and more strongly, so we start to exhibit a higher dimensional nature more and more strongly. We start to see the material world for what it is, and place our identity psycholgically in the inner spheres, rather than the outer world. So yes there is quite a bit of adjustment we have to make in taking on a human form. Does that answer your question?

Q. Yes and what could we do to support those who we know are in that situation?

A. Always be in high vibration, always tell the truth, always respect their essence, always feel free to tell your own truth and to respect theirs. It's really very simple when you get down to it, the rules are simple, it's just the application in certain circumstances where it becomes difficult. Sometimes it's hard to know what the truth is, and then just say that you don't know. Is that helpful?

Q. Very much.

A. We want to thank everyone who came tonight. It's been a precious evening for us to be in this vibration. This human vibration full of peace and love. Thank you, God bless you.

Q. Thank you.

A. You're welcome.

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