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Arcturian Channel - August 17, 2004

Topics: Humanity's fitness to lead, hosting refugee extraterrestrials on Earth, Alpha Centaurian races, messages from Andromedans and Sirians.

Q: Participant Question
A: Channeled Answer

Channel: I ask to be a clear and perfect channel of the highest light
for the group assembled here, for any who may listen to the tape or read the transcript. Please bring in my guides and angels, please bring in the Arcturians, the Andromedans, the Sirians or others who may wish to speak to us.

A: At the moment there is a debate going on. The debate is over your fitness to lead, your fitness to be the wayshowers, the future of planet Earth. There are several schools of thought. One school of thought has high hopes for you. They see your energy, your love for each other, the way you come together instantly and form new circles and they feel that this capability is a very important qualification for the role. There are others however who look at you, see your differences, see your disorganzation, see your more petty aspects of your nature and feel that you are not quite ready. We ourselves are on the fence. We can understand the position of both parties. We say this to you tonight to let you know that many are paying attention to your intentions. Many are waiting and watching, wondering how this will all play out. [We are adjusting the energy in the room.] As you open your eyes to the heavans, and you open your hearts to each other, a beautiful energy of consciousness is created, when you do this in groups it's a sight to behold. The more that you can hold this group crystalline consciousness the brighter your future looks. This energy of clear sight, this clarity of vision, this strength of purpose is what is created when you come together with one intent, one mind. We've said before that we value your diversity, well we also value your unity when it's of this form, this spontaneous creation. We'd like to congratulate you for your work today, for your work for the last ten days. It may or may not surprise you that many are watching and wondering, what may surprise you though is how far you've come in such a short period, the quality of your group energy at the moment is extraordinarily clear, we believe each of you can see that for yourself. And now we'd like to draw back and offer the microphone so to speak to some of the others who are assembled here.

Q. I have a question, you mentioned that there is a debate at the moment which appears to be pretty even, can you elaborate on the significance of the events today, and how that might influence these debates. And how the involvment of the Andromedans may assist those of us that wish for a more positive outcome in terms of this debate.

A. We see the process as twofold, an inner process and an outer process. The inner process is one of a deepening appreciation for your planetary group mind. More and more the ability to act in accordance with that mind, in service to that mind, that being that consciousness, that mother. The outer process is one of construction, one of a utilitarian process, of designing and implementing modes of communication, negotiation, coming to agreement with foreign modes of thought, foreign systems. Any action you can take to open your world to benevolent influence from outside is beneficial. You've been in a very closed system so any ray of light, a breath of fresh air is salubrious, is beneficial. In a way, it doesn't matter where you start, the first openings are helpful, regardless of whether the day is sunny or cloudy, the first day of freedom is a pleasant one. We wouldn't be so presumptuous as to judge your choices in this matter, it's much more important that each of you find what you are comfortable with, find some access point to the outside that you can use to climb your way to freedom, there are many available. The Andromedans present you with one of them. One that's heart centered, one that's deeply spiritual and reverent. Some of you will find this engaging, refreshing, others may find it not to their liking. But the significance is, it's an opening, an opening that cannot be closed or shut off, it's a solid connection. As with all beginnings there is a signficance to the timing, there is a moment when things start and much of the potential is encoded in the energy of that moment, so what you have here is an extraordinary potential because the energy is so open and reverent, it's oriented almost exclusively toward the love of the creation. This orientation, this appreciation for what is, will serve you well. It presents no obstacles to your evolution, it presents no form that you must take, it's an open invitation and because of this it's difficult to describe what might emerge. It's really up to you. In a way it's a reminder that what you create is up to you and your friends. The process by which you've come to this point is also a reminder that you are much more powerful in groups. As strong as you are individually, you are stronger in your circles, you are more creative, you are more loving, you are more in touch with source. This is useful to remember as you go forward, when you work in groups you work at a higher level. And so as you step out of your prison planet, as some call it, you'll find the steps are the circles, of coming together of those of like mind and like purpose. Have we answered your question?

Q. Yes thank you.

A. Are there other questions?

Q. I have a question, in the meditation last week with the group, I saw a group of beings contact our group asking for sanctuary on this planet, and I wanted to know more about this group and wondered why at the time they contacted us, and why we would be involved in this decision, and the implications of another race wanting to come here to share the planet with us.

A. In a way this is a test. You may be aware that a long time ago a similar group asked for sanctuary on your planet. At that time you lived in what we might call a garden of Eden, a delicate and beautiful world and you decided to give these beings sanctuary. The thought was that they could heal their spiritual wounds here, well instead they infected the rest of you. You've learned a great deal though and the result has been an acceleration of your evolution, but now when you consider such requests you have more wisdom. You have an ability and the experience to understand that every gift has an implication for you, has an effect on you, so when you greet the others and welcome them, you can recognize that they will be changing you. It's going to become more clear who your friends, and you'll find that it's your right to choose your friends. Just as you come together in your circles for the purpose of accelerating your own evolution, so too the planet welcomes other planetary energies to accelerate her own evolution. These circles of planets each create a new vibration. By bringing together those of like mind, those with a common purpose, there is a coherence to that vibration, and if it's accepting, if it's open, heart centered, if it comes with the intent to offer a step that's in the best interest of all, then you'll step up in frequency quickly. So as you consider such requests, just take a moment to feel what it would be like to have such beings in your house as part of your family, to have their memories to be your own memories, to have their history to be your history, because very quickly you'll become universal citizens and your historical stream will merge with the rest. Your identity will be in relation to the rest, your story will be about your interactions with the others. Is that helpful?

Q. Yes, very, thank you.

A. You're welcome, any other questions?

Q. Yes, I'd kind of like you to explain your concept of what you mean by a debate. Now my experience here is that there is usually a winning side or a losing side so to speak and often times that doesn't depend on the material involved but depends on the presenter. You know, somebody with strong material and weak presentation doesn't always comes out on top with someone with weak material and a strong presentation, and so I'm kind of curious of what you mean when you use the word debate

A. We use the word debate to describe a process by which ideas are presented in a community. It's a debate when several discrepant or different ideas are presented, each member of the community assesses the idea as to its integrity, its truthfulness and its wisdom. The action is based on that perception, so if one idea has, makes the stronger case this will be perceived by most of those present. If however there is an element of truth in each position, then action is not so clear. Sometimes what happens is that the two ideas come together, merge and become a third idea, a synthesis. So a debate doesn't always have a winner and a loser, sometimes it's a win-win situation and the process is used to generate a third concept. In general, how this is done will depend on the Council and the timing. Some councils have all the time in the world so they toss up the ideas and let them interplay until the synthesis receives unanimous approval. Other councils must act immediately in this situation generally speaking, each is free to take the ideas that is presented and decide an action accordingly, according to their own perception. The situation that we were describing, it's still quite early in the process and the debate is really a testing of possible futures. It's really a way of saying that many are paying attention and discussions are going on. The synthesis that's reached in this case will depend on more than just the quality of the ideas, it will depend on what happens and the choices that are made on Earth. Is that answer helpful to you.

Q. I'm not so sure of the purpose of the debate. Maybe you can explain that a little, that will give me some help.

A. The purpose of the debate is to assist the community in deciding their best course of action in regard to your planet. You can imagine that there are many interests, many desires to interact, so by discussing the quality of your consciousness, the different actors can assess how best to work with you. So the debate serves to air the issues, and to get people thinking. We see it as healthy, a way of opening discussion. You are at a moment when things are changing. You were once a closed system now you are opening, that changes the system at all levels. But you are a complex system, simple inputs produce unexpected results, so it's useful to get some handle on where you are headed. For example, the timing of an interaction is it best to do it soon, or to wait a while? If you are headed down it may be important to act quickly. If you are headed up then it may be best to wait until some of the clouds clear, and a beneficial course of action is easier to discern. We understand this is very general. Are there other questions?

Q. I have a question. I can understand a debate where there is a great deal at stake, but I wonder how will you be able to lay your concerns before us and allow us a voice in this decision to process or .. us to say we can do this or this seems overwhelming to us, or there is an area we aren't too sure can you provide input for us to do whatever is necessary for us to do?

A. Yes, can we discuss these matters? Absolutely. We can answer questions, we can offer suggestions, we can create fora.

Q. That seems to be a good thing because then your concerns can be addressed as well as our concerns and we can all work together, to proceed forward, thank you.

A. You're welcome. Are there other questions?

Q. I have one more question, it concerns the Alpha Centauri star system. I was previously under the assumption that there was a human appearing race there that had been involved in various initiatives with the Earth, I recently learned that there appears to be a reptilian race in that star system that has also intervened on Earth so could you clarify who and what is from the Alpha Centauri star system and their relationship with the Earth?

A. We can count 19 races that are involved to some degree, it's important to realize that many of these star systems have multiple worlds and multiple phases and multiple constituents in their make up. So you'll hear about some of them and they may not even know about alternate phases, they may not interact. We are aware of three planets that are habitable, each of these has a dominant species, and some secondary occupants. Any of these can be said to come from the Alpha Centauri star system. Is that helpful?

Q. Yes thank you.

Q2. I have a question.

A. Yes.

Q. Could you please identify all of the races that are represented in this group?

A. We are discussing this. This is a difficult question. Representation is a subtle manner. Some star seeds are fully aware of their home planet shall we say. Others are dimly aware or completely unaware. So representation may not be an appropriate term for those who have no conscious awareness of where they come from, and into the complexity we have starseeds that have represented many different worlds. Which of them do they represent at any given moment. It's difficult to say, and actually their experience has a blend of the sensibilities of the different worlds which is what is most precious. We would say that on your world each of you represents yourself, your unique perspective and that it's important to remember this as you become aware of your heritage, so we prefer not to identify you overly with the different groups. If you think about this in a different context, this issue in a different context, each of you has a national identity, but as you come together to solve global issues to find a global voice, it may be best to stress your commonality, not your nationality. One of the things most valuable about the Earth at this moment in its history is the way in which the many strands of its heritage are coming together to create a tapestry, a unique vibration that combines them. So separating the threads at this point may not be the best idea, rather allowing the tapestry to complete itself, and allowing the image that's represented to come through fully, may be a better choice. So we would say that two important things are to remember your own personal responsibility and to develop your connection to source. Thank you for the question.

Q. Thank you.

A. And now we'd like to give the Andromedans the floor and let them say a few words.


We are honored to be here with you tonight. We appreciate your
ceremony, your welcome, your reception.

As we place our first footprint in your world, it is an exciting
time for us. We can feel the vibration entering your sphere and the
imprint is already visible. It is most gratifying to see our own
likeness reflected back to us. As you may know, our vibration was
not incorporated in your system at the beginning, and for this
reason, the ability that you have developed to experience and to
witness this vibration is gratifying to us.

It tells us something of our connection to Source, of our eternal
truth. It's like looking in a distant mirror in a far away place and
seeing someone you recognize. It creates a heart connection. The
distance seems smaller.

We thank you for your work. We look forward to meeting more of you.

A. And now the Sirians have something they wish to say.


Greetings. We have worked with you for a while, seen your systems
develop and change, and we anticipate great things for you. We think
you will enjoy the new vibrations, the new encodings, that are being
transmitted. We would like you to know that these encodings are only
the infrastructure, they are only the foundation. The artistry, the
creativity, that you bring will determine what is created on this
foundation. We are supplying paints, the paint box, and you will be
painting the pictures. Thank You.

A. the Arcturians are asking who else would like to speak.

Q. Can you elaborate on the significance of this location, Sky Island Ranch and the unfolding contact initiatives by the various races who have spoken tonight.

A. It's one of several points where the vibration is high enough to accept interstellar contact. One of the things that keeps you isolated is your vibration, as it raises you naturally bubble higher and can see more of what's around you. It's as if you are in a balloon and is it raises through the atmosphere, a greater vista raises up. So this is one of those points on Earth which is of high vibration and which has an expansive view. The direction you look though is up to you. So from this vantage point you can look and interact with a variety of others. Your choice will determine something of the character of the place, something of the habit or constituent structure of what is created there. But there is also always a balance, so any you choose not to interact with will find other ways, other places to make their home, to make their coontact. Over time, a variety of connections will be established and these will give a certain character to the land, to the waters points of contact. Does that answer your question?

Q. Yes thank you.

A. Are there other questions.

Q. It seems there are many problems for various planets out there, or various ideas and different things. Is it good for us to communicate with them or should we try to and go direct for the source?

A. Each action that you take will have certain consequences. It's not for us to say what is good and what is bad. We can suggest that you can keep in mind your many talents. You have a talent for communication. A talent for negotiation, a talent for diplomacy, a talent for deep thinking, a talent for accessing source, a talent for changing your reality, and as you bring all these tools to the question of what you want you'll find that at different moments you'll pick up one tool or another and use it. But these tools are not exclusive, you wouldn't want to limit yourself to one modality or another. While we don't think there's a best way, the advise we woulod always give is to always center yourselves, to connect with your planet to a deepest understanding of source, and then pick up a tool that you feel is appropriate for what you are trying to create. For example, if you feel with more information then connect up and request a communication. If you feel you need assistance, connect up and figure out what kind of assistnace would be most beneficial, and ask that that be forthcoming. In this way what you are doing is furthering your purpose, bringing you closer to what you want. Does that answer your question

Q. Yes, it does.

A. Well thank you, it was a pleasure. God bless you, good night.

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